Wednesday, August 17, 2011

me and my dad at my student led conference a poem by arkie

my dad is at school
hes not swimming in a pool
he thinks its cool
that on the computer that arkies rules

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lachlan joins 2RY

I am Lachie. I like playing cricket, hockey and board games. I am the newest member of 2RY. I come from New Zealand and flew from England where I have been living.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Celebrating Singapore National Day

Today we celebrated Singapore's National Day which is actually on Tuesday. We have a holiday to celebrate.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Acrostic Poem - Singapore by Ollie

S now city is the best place to go
I nvisible stamps from the science center
N oisy shopping centers
G ood people belong to Singapore
A ustralian International School
P ractically a jungle
O nly honest people

R esorts on Sentosa
E xits galore in shopping malls

Acrostic Poem - Chimes by Max

C himes ringing with joy              
H iding from Santa,  ringing bells
I rish people celebrating Santa coming
M y toys are coming and athor peoples toys
E ntire day with family and friends
S anta is kind and generous

Poetry!! Learning about Acrostics

Arizona by Brandon

A place where snow falls throughs mountains                         
R acing coyotes in the dessert.
I t takes sandstorms 5 metres high
Zabing next to Mexico
O n weekends we go to the movies
N ext I play with my dog
A rizona with my memories